5 Study Tips For College Students

College is an important step in life. Although college will not define your entire life, getting high scores or passing your classes are important. In order to accomplish your college goals, you need a system, time management and some tips. Since college is vital, it is not shameful to ask for help, it is even highly recommended to study in groups, this way, you can share each other’s knowledge, increasing your own. The first thing to do is to know your goals, if you are set on your goal, you will do anything you can to achieve your goal. Once you know your goals, here are a few tips you can use to study better in college.

  1. Understand Your Workload

Upon enrolling, you will be given your subjects. In some institutions, a syllabus for every subject is given right after enrolling, for some, you will be the one to visit every department or professor for your syllabus. You will need your syllabus to understand the hours and the grading system of every subject. You need to understand your workload, the hours needed for every subject and its impact on your college grade.

  1. Time Management

Upon understanding your workload, you can now move on to time management. You will need to manage your time wisely during college. Make studying a daily habit and put it in your schedule for every day. Also, make time for extracurricular activities for it will also be of great importance, may it be sports or a community event. Make sure to take little rests during the week. This can relax your brain.

  1. Notes

It is not just about taking notes, what matters is the content of the notes you are taking. Make sure you take good notes. This can’t be easily done, you must practice. Taking the vital areas of a discussion can be beneficial. This can make studying easier and you only get to learn the important parts.

  • Take notes that you can understand. You must be able to understand the abbreviations you used on a note you have taken a week ago.
  • Always put a date on every entry. This can prevent confusion and you will be sure on what note to study when.
  • Use separate notebook for every subject. This way, you will only be looking at one notebook for a specific topic you need to get back to on a certain subject.
  • Use different pens. This tip does not work on everyone. Since some can absorb text more if it is colourful, using different colored pens is advised.
  • Write in your notebook what your professor wrote on the board. If your professor wrote it on the board, it might mean that he want everyone to see it, making it important. Write this on your notes.
  • Write/Draw the examples given. There will be times where you reread your notes but you can’t understand what it means and have forgotten how it works. Writing the example given can remind you of how it was discussed by your professor.

  1. Study Time

It is important to have a specific study time and study place. You must allocate a portion of your time daily for studying where you can reread your notes for that day. As for the place, choose a quiet place if you can’t study with a noisy surrounding, such as a coffee shop or the park, but the best choice is the library since you can directly borrow books you need for reference.

  1. Sleep

Always have time for sleep. Even 5 hours of sleep every night can be beneficial for your brain to process the things you have studied and for your brain to rest. The case is if you cram overnight and you don’t sleep, you can be overfeeding information to your brain, and being it having no rest will be exhausted it won’t process the information. Also, if you are way too sleepy during a quiz or an exam, you will not remember what you studied.

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