Just How Effective the Tabata Really Is

Sometimes working out for hours can get extremely dull and boring. With regular workout routines, you tend to get lazy in accomplishing them on a regular basis. This is when you start cutting corners or taking shortcuts in your workout. This is because accomplishing your workout goals can be very time consuming and to be really honest, most people wish they were sitting down in a relaxing couch watching their favorite movies or shows while eating a bag of chips or enjoying a nice slice of pizza. If you are one of those people, working out is a real chore. Maybe you should switch to a workout that maximizes output while only taking a few minutes to accomplish. This workout is strenuous to say the least but what workout output you will accomplish in an hour, you will accomplish in a few minutes. This workout is known as the Tabata workout.

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How effective the Tabata workout is

To understand how truly effective this workout is, you must first know of how it came into existence. The Tabata workout was founded by Japanese physiologist Izumi Tabata, who decided to conduct experiments to compare and contrast normal workout routines to high-intensity, low rest workouts. The reason for these experiments was to determine which of these exercises yielded more effective results. The experiments were based on two groups who did different exercise routines. The first group of exercisers worked out 5 times a week for a total of an hour per day. The second group worked out 4 times a week for a total of 4 minutes a day with only a 10 second rest interval per workout. The experiments resulted in showing that the first group showed an increase in cardiovascular strength and little to no increase in their muscular strength. The second group who worked out 4 minutes a day showed an increase improvement in their muscular and cardiovascular strength and endurance. Considering that they worked out for four minutes a day, the results of the second group paved the way for the Tabata becoming such a popular exercise among many people all around the globe.

How the Tabata works

To understand just how effective the Tabata workout is, you must know what most experts say. Most experts agree that the Tabata exercise, when done properly for about 20 minutes a day for 4 days in a week, a person will be able to lose 7% to 10% body fat in 2 month time. That is a lot of body weight which would very likely take most people half a year to accomplish in the gym.

The Tabata is principally a four minute workout that is comprised of 8 rounds of 20 second high intensity workout exercises that are followed by a 10 second rest. This process goes on for only 4 minutes which may be repeated. This exercise is described as high-intensity, high-interval training. The purpose of the Tabata exercises is to build strength, stamina, and endurance. This exercise also centers on efficiency and productivity as compared to other exercises that take too long and are too dull to do. It is said that you are not fighting against the exercise; you are fighting against yourself, which is a great way to challenge yourself.

To be able to implement this on your workout regimen will be giving yourself the opportunity to harness new possibilities of strength, power, stamina, and fat burning that would not have been possible in regular workouts. Upon trying the Tabata, it is easy to see why it is so popular with many people. Finishing the Tabata tends to bring the following effects to your body:

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  •  At the end of 8 rounds of 20 second high intensity exercises and 10 second rests, you feel as if you are out of breath.
  •  You will also be sweating profusely as if you were on the treadmill for an hour.
    Your heart will be pumping and beating as never before.
  •  You will feel different muscle groups burning as never before. This is a good indication that you successfully did a good Tabata workout.

Difficulties most people face when they do the Tabata

Since the Tabata workout is fast-paced and high intensity, many people find this exercise quite difficult to do. This is because they are not able to perform the exercises the right way because they are under time constraints in each exercise. There is a proper form in every exercise which must be done to ensure maximum results. When they cannot perform each exercise properly, the effectiveness of the workout is lost. Other difficulties are:

Stamina – Another difficulty that many people face is that their bodies are not physically fit enough to undertake the strain of this exercise. It is a fast exercise yet many are huffing and puffing as early as they are on their third minute of the exercise. The Tabata strictly follows a ten second rest interval that occurs 8 times in the 4 minute exercise. The mistake that many practitioners do is that they underestimate how difficult this exercise really is. They believe that 4 minutes is a short period of time that any person is capable of accomplishing.

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Injury – Another obstacle that many Tabata practitioners experience is injury. This exercise allows people to group different sets of exercises that concentrate on different body parts. Some people have existing injuries which limit their capabilities to do specific exercises because of their injury. What ends up happening is that they aggravate their existing injury because of the strain of this workout. Another cause of injury stems from failing to stretch the correct way. Since the Tabata is a whole body workout, stretching properly is essential in avoiding nasty injuries. Those who have gotten injured failed to see the importance of whole-body stretching.

The Tabata is not meant for the faint of heart and mind. It takes a lot of discipline and practice to be able to perform the exercise properly. If at first you have difficulty, do not lose interest and quit. The Tabata not only improves your physical capabilities; it improves your mental strength as well.

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