Top Four Best Herbal Cures

Humans have been practicing herbalism for thousands of years. This essentially pertains to the use of herbs in treating the most common ailments to even the most serious medical conditions. Technology has undoubtedly made such a great impact in the field of medicine, but some of the most effective cures are rooted from the application of traditional herbal cures.


The popularity of herbal medicines to alleviate as well as treat medical conditions is growing steadily in recent years. More people are now going back to nature to look for herbal cures that are known to be just as powerful and effective as those medications that can be purchased from the pharmacy. One of the greatest selling point of herbs in treating illnesses and maladies is that of safety. Research studies have concluded that majority of herbal medicines are 100% safe for use and consumption. They bring about minimal to no side effects as well as report no serious problems such as over dosage and death.

If you are curious as to the efficacy of natural herbal medicine, here are top give herbs that you can use for both common and serious medical conditions:

Ginger is not only a crucial food ingredient, but is an herb known to cure simple discomfort such as nausea and motion sickness. Aside from the fact that it is a spice, this zesty underground stem is also considered a potent anti-inflammatory compound. Those suffering from arthritis and muscular discomfort make use of ginger to alleviate pain and discomfort.

The leaf of the olive tree is powerful in treating a host of illnesses and maladies. For one, the oil extracted from the olive fruit prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. It also reduces the risk of skin cancer, osteoporosis, and stroke.
Unknown to most people, olive oil is an excellent herpes cure too. Olive oil alleviates the pain, discomfort, and itchiness of lesions in and around the genital area. Simply place a cup of olive oil in a tub and mix it with propolis, lavender and water. Soaking in a tub with this olive oil solution will successfully reduce the symptoms of genital herpes.

olive tree leaves

Echinacea is yet another powerful herb that delivers a host of benefits to its users. For one, it is an immune system booster. This means that supplementation increases the body’s ability to increase white blood cell count that function to reduce the entry of dangerous bacteria and viruses. This is a perfect for immune compromised individuals such as those suffering from HIV, herpes, and syphilis among others. It also heals skin conditions such as psoriasis and sunburn.

Garlic is not only a tasty ingredient to dishes, but it also boasts a host of herbal treatment benefits. It is being used to clear acne. All those unsightly blemishes will be gone in no time if you rub garlic onto the affected area. It is also an excellent herbal cure for common ailments such as cough and colds. More health professionals are also recommending the daily intake of garlic supplements to effectively lower down blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels.


Of course, there are more herbs that you can use to safely treat medical conditions that you may be suffering at present. Before making the decision of utilizing herbal cures, make sure to seek the expertise of a medical doctor regarding dosage and application.

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