Foods To Avoid In And Add To Your Diet To Prevent Painful Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are one of the most annoying and painful conditions one could ever get. When you have this medical condition, the first thing you need to do is to keep it under control and prevent it from flaring up that could cause you discomfort.

One of the major causes of hemorrhoids is constipation. Having an irregular bowel movement could trigger this and cause undue pain. Treatment of hemorrhoids varies from oral medicine, creams and even surgical removal. But for those with mild cases, a change in diet would do. Here are some foods you could eliminate from and add to your diet if you want to prevent hemorrhoids flare-up in the future.


Spices and Spicy Food

Food that is spicy such as chili, peppers and curries could oftentimes irritate the digestive system and affect the bowel movement. This could worsen hemorrhoids so it is recommended that you avoid this. However, this is only advisable for people who have an existing medical condition of this kind. If the hemorrhoids are swollen, it is best to avoid eating these foods until the pain is alleviated.


Alcohol in the system could sometimes bring dry stool that causes constipation. Having a hard time with the bowel movement is known to worsen this condition. If you cannot avoid drinking alcohol or wine, make sure that you hydrate yourself with water as this could ensure that you have enough water in your system.

Fatty and Deep Fried Food

Most fried foods have unhealthy stuff such as high in fat content and oil. Fatty foods are harder for the digestive system to break down and process so consuming greasy food often could increase the workload of your stomach and further worsen hemorrhoids.

Salt and Salty Food

Salt is a good seasoning. Food without salt is bland and uneasy to the taste. However, this could be a very bad thing when you have a hemorrhoid flare-up as it is a dehydrating agent. Too much salt in your system could slow down digestion and affect your bowel movement, making it painful. On the other hand, it could also lead to bloating that could make hemorrhoids more sensitive and painful. Stay hydrated and avoid the salt when this medical condition is acting up.

Processed Food and Refined Grains

Both kinds of foods contain unhealthy oils, fats, salt and not enough nutrients, which your body needs. This could have an impact in your digestive system when it slows down your body’s break down of food and sometimes, constipation. Aside from that, the high salt content is also dehydrating and could cause bloating. To prevent your hemorrhoids from acting up, avoid these foods at all cost. Or if you must eat some, make sure that your drink plenty of water to wash it down.


Whole Grain Oats

Oats, especially the whole grain type, is a good source of soluble fiber. This nutrient is needed by the body to fully process food that comes through the intestines. It is also a good way to prevent constipation as it soften the stool, which could stop the inflammation of hemorrhoids.

Leafy Vegetables

Aside from the nutrients that vegetables contain to strengthen the immune system, the leaves and stalks are also rich in fiber that helps ease the body’s digestion. This also prevents you from straining during bowel movement. Be sure to add a huge portion of this food in your every meal daily. Spinach, kale and lettuce are good recommendations for your daily intake.


Fruits such as papaya, banana, berries, prunes and apple are high in fiber that helps your digestive system work well. Eat the proper amount to help keep your bowel movement regular. Avoid overeating as this could cause adverse effects such as diarrhea.


This diary product contains “good bacteria” called probiotics to promote a healthy digestive system and boost the body’s immune system. Add yogurt that has live bacteria such as bifidus or lactobacillus to your breakfast to help start your day and regulate your bowel movement.

Water and Other Liquids

Do not underestimate the power of this fluid. Drinking the right amount of water everyday prevents hemorrhoid flare-ups that are related to a diet of low fluid. The minimum requirement of water daily is 8 glasses, more if it’s summer time. Alternately, you can also include green tea and fresh juice in your liquid intake for a sweeter taste.

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