Neck Pain Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Neck pain symptoms are indications that there are some problems occurring in any area of your neck. Neck pain may occur from the top areas of the shoulders to the bottom part of the head. The pain occurring in the neck may spread to the arms and to the upper back and may result in a limited head as well as neck movement. Neck pain symptoms are common especially in adults over 50 years of age. There are many factors that may cause neck pain. These causes may be diagnosed through several medical methods and treatment may also vary.

Signs and Indications of Neck Pain

Neck pain symptoms may range from mild stiffness to severe pain in your neck area. The pain may spread out to the upper area of your back to your arms or to your shoulders. Neck pain are generally described as sharp and stinging, but can also be described as a stabbing pain or a dull, shock like, burning or crampy feeling. Neck pain can result in having a stiff neck or stiff shoulders and may also cause range of motion loss. These symptoms may result in headaches. Each of these symptoms have unique characteristics, so make sure that you provide your doctor as much details as you can for your doctor to come up with a proper diagnosis.

Weakness from Severe Pain

The more severe neck pain symptoms may result in a feeling of weakness. Weakness can be caused by severe pain occurring whenever a muscle or a bone is moved. Weakness can also be a result of an injury in the nerves that supply the muscles. However, weakness can also be a result of the reluctance or inability to move because of severe inflammation or pain. If you are experiencing any of these weakness symptoms associated with neck pain, make sure that you inform your doctor about this for him to be able to distinguish it from true weakness that can be caused by neck pains.


Neck pain symptoms may also include numbness. Numbness occurs when the nerves are cut, are bruised or are pinched. When this happens, you may experience numbness or you may not feel the things that you normally feel. However, cut, bruised or pinched nerves may also result in a burning sensation, as opposed to a loss of sensation. The “pins and needles” sensation is also likely to occur if you are experiencing signs and indications of neck pain or neck problems that have already spread out to your arms.

Nerve related neck pain symptoms may be caused by a pressure on the spinal cord as well as on the roots of the spinal nerves. These symptoms are described as a numb or tingling sensation that is accompanied by weakness in the hands or in the arms. Nerve related symptoms may also include a burning sensation when the skin of the hands, the arms or the neck is touched. A shock like pain that spreads out to the hands or to the arms is also an indication of nerve related problems. This pressure on the spinal cord may also cause weakness, loss of ability to control urination and leg numbness.

Chronic Neck Pain and its Side Effects

If you are experiencing long lasting or chronic neck pain symptoms, it may cause you to have difficulties coping up with your daily tasks. The signs and indications of chronic neck pain include long lasting pain in the neck area that spreads out to the top of the shoulders to the bottom area of your head, to your upper back and all the way to your arms. Loss of or limited neck and head movement, headaches, numbness, weakness, burning sensation and weakness are also some of the symptoms of chronic neck pain. These may result in side effects such as anxiety, depression or fatigue.

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Causes of Neck Pains

Neck pains can be classified in several ways. There are some people who experience neck and shoulder pains, while some may only experience pain in the neck area. Most neck pains are caused by events or activities that resulted in the straining of the neck. Neck pain symptoms may be a result of poor posture such as slouching. Activities that may cause neck pain include sleeping with the neck twisted or performing a task which involves long hours of looking up such as painting the ceiling or looking downward. These activities may result in neck strains, neck joint swelling or neck muscle spasms.

Trauma can also result in a person experiencing neck pain symptoms. Injuries from a car accident, a whiplash or falling from a ladder can also cause neck pains. There are also some causes of neck pain that may be a result of medical problems such as abnormalities present in the joints or in the bones including cervical spinal stenosis, which is the narrowing of the neck’s spinal canal. Infections and tumors can also result in neck pain. Rheumatoid arthritis and other degenerative diseases are also some of the known causes of neck pain.

Treatment of Neck Pain

Neck pain symptoms may be treated through several medical methods. These include administering of anti inflammatory medication including Motrin or Aleve. Acetaminophen such as Tylenol may also be used to treat neck pain. Muscle relaxers or anti depressants may also be used, depending on the source and the extent of the pain. Ice or moist heat can also be used as a treatment on the area affected. If the neck pain is caused by problems with the spinal cord or the nerve roots, your doctor may require you to undergo surgical procedures to relieve you of your neck pain problems.

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