Why Toenail Fungus Needs to be Treated

Almost one third of all reported fungal infections are categorized as Onychomycosis or toenail fungal infection. Regardless of race, gender, and age, toenail fungus seems to be a commonplace in these day and age. Leaving it untreated will most likely result in the development of worse infections, and may even affect one’s emotional condition as well.


Here is urgency in the proper management of onychomycosis based on the following information:

– Half of the nail problems of Americans are identified to be caused by fungal infestation

– Fungal infection can only be a small part of a much bigger problem. A simple fungal infection tells a lot about an individual’s general health.

– Treating nail fungus is important as the symptoms associated with it are unsightly and may negatively affect one’s self-esteem and level of confidence

– Complications such as cellulitis is observed among people who do not seek for professional management for toenail fungus

There are different types of fungus that cause nail fungal infection. Aside from oncyhomycosis, athlete’s foot is identified to be caused by a specific fungi as well as candida yeast infection that most often affect the surrounding region of toenails.

There are many contributing factors to the development of toenail fungus:

– Shoes that do not fit properly are known to be major culprits in the rise of toenail fungal infections

– Wearing closed shoes in warm and humid environment increases the risk of toenail fungus

– Preexisting medical conditions such as diabetes and psoriasis are known to increase one’s risk to toenail fungus

– Immunocompromised individuals such as those diagnosed with HIV AIDS commonly manifest toenail fungus

Treatment for Toenail Fungus

There are many ways to banish toenail fungus. Mild cases of this infection may only require patients to observe foot care interventions that can be done at home. There are also over-the-counter medications that people can use to treat mild toenail fungus and without doctor’s prescription.

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If the infection does not subside with the use of OTC drugs, people are most often advised to seek the advice of a medical practitioner instead. A clipping of your nail will be sent to the laboratory for further examination and proper diagnosis. Once the exact fungi is identified, doctors then can accurately evaluate the condition and prescribe the right type of medication or treatment to eradicate growth and development of fungus.

The most common treatments for toenail fungus are:

– Anti-fungal tablets and topical solutions

– Anti-fungal lacquer or paint

These products have been proven to be highly effective in banishing unsightly nails. The main drawback to these two management options is that it may take months before patients can see relative change in the color and quality of their nails.
In order to maintain healthy nails during and after treatment, patients are asked to follow good hygiene and foot care tips. In addition, individuals suffering from toenail fungus are also recommended to wear comfortable shoes to eliminate the chance of the recurring infection.

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